6000footdrop.com was cross-posted to a String Cheese Incident newsgroup resulting in over 1000 hits and mails in the past few days challenging our grade level, reviewing ability and knowledge of current events. So, we're going to mix it up with the opposite of all that -- here's some expensive unnecessary hardware that people who pay federal taxes are paying for. Like these babies -- nuclear-powered freaking submarines -- trawling the north end of Hood Canal, Washington before going out to lie on the bottom of the ocean for four months with one and only one mission -- as PJL would say -- "nuclear annihilation." You know, for kids.
And what about these screamers? Geese are no obstacles to this badass rocketship -- contrails of confit. Hors d'ovuvers aside, are these two-seaters really necessary?
And this seems like a long list of stuff where the government is admitting it intends to litter. Plus, its 2010 -- this seems like a lot of metal stuff to drop on people. Where is the bio-bomb industry? I like the idea of those noise bombs. Draft Mike!
Not to mention wasting paint with nicknames. Did Ron Paul have "Dr. No" painted on a plane when he was in the Air Force?
But, even our seemingly well-funded military suffers through budget cutbacks. These bomb-mechanics are not even issued regulation field boots, for example.
Private enterprise is making inroads into the blackwater of the military. For example, here is Bruce Dwayne Hagadone's contribution to North Idaho's security and paranoia.
But even the super rich like John Kerry can't afford the truly big-boy 750iL's of the sky, like this totally unnecessary electric flying pig -- but does that justify the collective cost and manpower?
What if we took one year off from being the world's policeman and defender of who is good this week? Outsmart them instead of outgunning them. Devote every military facility immediately toward practical education for one year. Take in children of all ages who volunteer. Put some kids on this boat and work on Hood Canal's dead zone instead of escorting out Hood Canal's subdeathmarines. Try it for just one year.
If we get invaded or converted to Cuban-style communism, well then we could go back to the normal ridiculous war machine hysteria. Or use the resources for skydiving.
See you in the ejection seat!