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How in the hell did I get to this page. I guess its Friday and I am drunk. I guess its not cool to say your drunk. Your are alway supposed to act like alcohol and drugs don't affect you. Ya thinks?

You only knew one Eagles song?
The fact that you didn't know the Talking Heads or MGMT, means that you are neither knowledgeable nor current. Let alone that you didn't know Round The Wheel or Rivertrance means that you have never even listened to SCI on disc. How did you even get a ticket?
I do understand your safari-like take on the Cheeseheads, and I always find this humorous from an outsider's standpoint.

wow. worst review ever. are you trying to be funny? because you arent funny. too bad you dont get it...and ill name drop that im a phish fan since you seem to only be able to compare to that band.

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