6000footdrop.com debuted 20 weeks ago. 50 posts later, this week the hit counter exceeded 10,000 hits. Regular readers may have assumed we surpassed 10,000 hits long ago, and we appreciate that vote of confidence.
Our first post "6000 Foot Drop - Will North America Get There?" detailed our greatest lift-served vertical drops. A few (those in soggy Whistler denial) were surprised that the new vert king is Reve Reve Reve Revelstoke BC at an over 5600 vertical foot drop.
Our most popular post "Telluride CO: Phish -- San Miguel Has Tickets" showcased the box canyon alpenglow even more impressive than Phish. Could there be a more stunning concert location?
Our most humorous post "Hollanders Speak Dutch in The Netherlands Despite Everything" was swimming in sex and drugs innuendo. Or is innuendo even needed when these are your choices for entertainment in The Hague?
Our most scientific post "Amsterdam NL: The Bulldog Experiment" included a maximized trail run around Amsterdam consuming lattes and spacecakes (say it like you're Sean Connery) -- a precursor to post Prop 19 Oakland.
Our wettest post "Maui HI: The Road to Hana -- Twist Around" featured a floral ride along. But maybe it was the mis-tagging of this grove of bamboo as "maui wowie" that has driven this photo to the top of our photo archives.
Our most ambitious post "Exile on Main Street -- Phish vs Stones Face-Off" was mostly text about musical subtleties and musical superiority. Here's to the one year anniversary of Phish's Exile on Main Street!
The two posts most likely to short out your keyboard were Patrick J. Lynch -- One of the Pacific Northwest's Pioneers of Skiing and Patrick J. Lynch -- He Showed Those Doctors Who's Boss . Independence Day takes on even more meaning now.
6000footdrop.com has another 10,000 hits in the queue, so we hope you'll continue to tune-in.